Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025. 

Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mrs Lewry. We look forward to welcoming you to Speenhamland School.


The Keevill Unit

Est. 1973

West Berkshire Resource for Physically Disabled Children

Experienced and Dedicated Staff

Pupil, Parent and Staff Partnership

Individual Intervention

Transition Work

Holistic Approach to Provision

Specialist Resources




The Aims of the Keevill Unit

Our Keevill Unit was opened in 1973 and named in memory of Don Keevill, a former Deputy Head at the school. The aim of the unit is to enable children with physical disabilities to experience and access mainstream education with their peers. The differences and similarities in children past, present and future all help to keep the Unit developing and changing in fulfilling its aim. Although children may have similar physical issues, every child is different, so each child will have individual plans and therapy planned in collaboration with parents, staff and therapists. Children are encouraged to be involved in the planning process if appropriate. The children are all assigned places in mainstream classes, where they should spend the majority of their time. Additional equipment and staffing is provided if required to help access the same lessons and activities as their peers. The children may be withdrawn for group or individual interventions that are planned and delivered to improve individual skills, knowledge and learning potential. Class teachers are expected to plan for Keevill children in the same way as they do for other children in their class.



All children in the unit have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Places in the unit are allocated by West Berkshire, our Local Authority, to children who have a physical disability and related conditions that impact on their access to education. The pupils are expected to demonstrate cognitive ability that would be expected of any child in a mainstream school.



Keevill pupils are supported, like any other pupils in the school, to achieve their best, experience and access the same activities and opportunities as others. Individual skills, abilities and interests will take them on different paths of choice and personal benefit according to need.





Keevill Resources and Facilities

Over the years, many resources have been acquired to support the learning and development of the children. The use of IT is a current focus and children have access to their own iPads and/or laptop or desk top computers. We have equipment for supporting both fine and gross motor skills. 

We moved in to our newly furbished location in April 2022. We now have a classroom, reading corner, kitchen area, dedicated therapy room, accessible toilet and changing area, as well office, resource and storage areas. The facilities now provide a wonderful environment for the children and staff to use for learning, self-care and completing their therapy work. Having a larger space allows more opportunities for mainstream children to join us for activities. Our next project is to develop our outside space. 

Keevil Classroom

Paralympian Medalist, and ex Keevill pupil Louise Sugden opened the new unit in April 2022

Across the school, there are changing spaces that include hoists and beds. The school is located on a flat site with ongoing plans to makes more doors automatic to provide independent access to all areas for Keevill children. There is a path around the school field, which also leads to our very popular forest school area.

Staffing Expertise, Skills and Training

The unit is staffed by an experienced Teacher and Senior Support Assistant. Additional staff members are employed as required according to the needs of the children in the unit. Staff work together to provide the best care and support for the Keevill children in helping them to achieve their full potential in all aspects of school life. The Teacher in charge is responsible for supporting and liaising with class teachers to meet the needs of the Keevill children in the classroom and on any activities and trips that the class undertakes.
The unit has a designated Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist who visit the unit regularly. Regular Integrated Therapy Meetings are used to review progress, needs and targets. Other professionals such as specialist Teachers for visual or hearing impairments can also be part of the team.
Training is ongoing to meet the needs of the children assigned to the unit.


Communication and Participation

As with mainstream schooling, the most successful outcomes are achieved by all people involved with the child communicating and working together to agree on needs and priorities for provision. The child is at the centre of the process and their interests, motivation and ability to learn needs to be the starting point. Plans are then made to include interventions and recommended programmes. Parents and carers are always welcome to come in to discuss their child’s provision and ways we can improve outcomes. We can also communicate by email, telephone and home/school books. Wherever possible, we involve the child in the process and encourage them to think about what they would like to improve, and how they may achieve that improvement.


Assessment and Moderation

The needs of the children are continuously evaluated and actions put in to place. Recommendations and programmes from professionals such as the Physiotherapist are included in to school routines according to needs. A flexible approach is used so that the children receive a balanced education. In addition to the normal school procedures, there are several ways that additional assessment and monitoring takes place - Annual Reviews, Integrated Therapy Meetings and on-going informal discussions and evaluations. Information and ideas are used to continuously consider the provision for the children to lead to successful outcomes in all aspects of their needs and development.  Not all children are able to access formal assessments, or demonstrate learning in a conventional way so different methods of assessment and recording of learning are used.

As well as academic progress, participation in clubs and additional activities and rewards and roles of responsibility are all monitored.

Keevill Past and Present

Keeping in touch with past pupils and staff is something that makes us very proud. The Keevill is a place where special and close relationships, experiences and memories are made. Following the journeys and achievements of past pupils makes us very proud whether it is competing in the Paralympics, gaining qualifications, successful careers and forming happy relationships. Past pupils and staff are always welcome to visit us.



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