Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025. 

Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mrs Lewry. We look forward to welcoming you to Speenhamland School.


At Speenhamland, we value homework and see it as an opportunity for children to develop their responsibility and take ownership of their learning. We believe in the value of strengthening their basic foundations – building on their fluency skills, especially within English and Maths.  All children are expected to read on a daily basis from reception through to year 6 and for this to be recorded on our reading app - BoomReader. In addition, we expect children to practise their number bonds or times tables daily.

On top of this, children receive a written piece of homework for Maths or English which can be linked to their current learning or an opportunity to strengthen previous knowledge. This is handed out on a Friday and collected in the following Wednesday for marking.

If children have difficulties with their homework, they should ask their class teacher for support.

Infants Homework

Maths homework will be given out in a yellow folder on a Friday. It will need to be handed back in the following Wednesday. Spelling homework will be given out in a red folder on a Monday. It will need to be handed back in that Friday

Homework Out Due In
Maths (Yellow Folder) Friday Wednesday
Spelling (Red Folder) Monday Friday

Lower Juniors Homework

Spellings will now be an investigation where children will be asked to find words that meet the previous week’s spelling rule and then write five of these into accurately punctuated sentences. Spelling homework will be set every Monday. Please note there is no longer a spelling test each Friday. However, we will be focusing on the application of these rules in the children's writing. Spelling needs to be returned every Friday.

Maths homework will be set every Friday with a focus on times tables and mathematical fluency. This homework will be linked to the fluency focus of the week. Maths homework should be returned the following Friday.

Reading comprehension homework will be set every other Friday to support children's understanding of a text. This will need to be handed in the following Friday.

Homework Out Due In
Spelling Monday Friday
Maths Friday Following Friday
Reading Comprehension Every other Friday Following Friday

Upper Juniors Homework

Spellings will now be an investigation where children will be asked to find words that link with the week’s spelling rule and then write five of these into accurately punctuated sentences. Spelling homework will be set every Monday and will support the rules being taught that week. Please note there is no longer a spelling test each Friday. However, we will be focusing on the application of these rules in their writing. Spellings need to be returned every Friday.

Maths homework will be set every Friday to support their times tables and mathematical fluency. These will be linked to the learning objectives/fluency sessions of the week. Maths homework should be returned the following Thursday.

English homework will be set every Friday to support children’s comprehension. This will need to be handed in the following Thursday.

Homework Out Due In
Spelling Monday Friday
Maths Friday Thursday
English Friday Friday

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