Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025. 

Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mrs Lewry. We look forward to welcoming you to Speenhamland School.


Our Curriculum Intent

Our policy is to provide an exciting, broad curriculum, in line with the National Curriculum 2014, which will provide rich learning experiences for all our pupils so they are inspired and motivated to achieve their very best.  Through our learning, we foster a strong sense of community and inclusiveness where our school values are promoted: resilience, respect, resourcefulness, risk taking and responsibility.

At Speenhamland, every subject has been carefully organised to ensure that it covers the relevant knowledge and skills outlined in the National Curriculum. In planning units of work and individual lessons across the different subjects, we make reference to the subject-specific vocabulary and ensure we provide opportunities to embed long-term knowledge. Speenhamland is proud of its rich diversity and we are continually working hard to ensure that our curriculum reflects the children’s different backgrounds.

We believe strongly in developing the ‘whole child’ so all pupils are happy, healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged to grow in their educational environment. We encourage our pupils to show high engagement and ownership in their learning, ensuring all our children become confident, ambitious, independent young people ready to shape their future world. For this reason, Forest School, outdoor learning, educational visits and enrichment activities sit at the heart of what we do. These opportunities are planned out across the year and aim to build on the children’s interests.


Curriculum Aims

Our curriculum reflects the school’s local context. Children begin their educational journey at Speenhamland from a range of backgrounds and life experiences and our curriculum is designed to broaden their understanding of the world they live in. We have high expectations for all children and using the National Curriculum, we aim to help the pupils according to age and ability in the following ways:

  • To acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities while working towards varied end products.
  • To use language and number effectively.
  • To appreciate human achievements in art, music, science, technology and literature to prepare for their adult lives.
  • To develop the capacity to live as independent, self-motivated adults and to become contributing members of society.
  • To understand the concepts of health, safety and risk taking.


Assessment and monitoring

During their time in school, the children’s progress and attainment are regularly assessed by their teachers. Each child’s assessment record is passed on from year to year to ensure continuous progression. Learning is assessed through observations, questioning the children, work produced and more formal assessment where appropriate, including SATs tests for English and Maths. The outcomes of these assessments are used alongside the Teacher Assessments and are reported to parents at parents evening and at the end of the school year.

The SLT, subject leaders and teachers will continue to monitor the effectiveness of the curriculum and gather feedback from pupils, parents and stakeholders, making further developments where needed.


Curriculum Impact

Having experienced a broad and rich curriculum at Speenhamland, the children’s learning will build towards an end point where they make good progress and achieve strong results. Therefore, the pupils know more, remember more and are able to do more. With the school’s high ambition for all, regardless of need or background, the children acquire the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. We believe our pupils leave us recognising and valuing the unique qualities in themselves and others. They are ready for the next stage in their educational journey and strive to be the best they can be.


Reviewed: September 2023

Next Review: September 2024

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