Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025. 

Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mrs Lewry. We look forward to welcoming you to Speenhamland School.

About Us

"We have a wonderful staff team with a variety of experience. Each staff member has a responsibility for a curriculum area which they promote with activities and display boards. Classes also have teaching assistants who help support and encourage children to do their best. Our school has a special unit called The Keevill, which is a purpose built learning area for our less-abled children. These amazing staff also help run our after school clubs."

Alex F

"We are lucky to have the opportunity to have our very own Forest School on our grounds. We are able to take some of our lessons outside and learn skills such as: fire-lighting, shelter building, practicing our risk-taking in team activities. We also learn important safety rules to help us in the future."

Holly D

"During the autumn term, our year 6 children are invited to attend a residential trip in the Isle of Wight. This involves the children, and the accompanying adults, enjoying a range of outdoor activities organised by the staff at the site. This year, we enjoyed zip-lining, buggy building, rock-pooling, archery, orienteering and even a night hike! It was brilliant!"

Tommy L

"We pride ourselves on our 5 Rs – Resilience, Respect, Risk-taking, Responsible, Resourceful. These are used to help us all, children and adults, to strive for excellence in all that we do. We often have assemblies linked to these values where children are rewarded for exhibiting these desired behaviours. We believe that this whole school approach encourages children to improve their attitudes and behaviours." 

Charlie V

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