Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025. 

Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mrs Lewry. We look forward to welcoming you to Speenhamland School.


Admission to Speenhamland is via West Berkshire Local Authority. The planned admission figures refer to the number of children admitted at the age of 5 in any one academic year. 


Admissions Appeals

West Berkshire Council act as the Newbury Academy Trust’s Admissions authority.  Therefore, any parent not offered a school place at their preferred school has the right of appeal to an independent appeals panel. This can be for a place at one or more of your preferred schools and against an alternative school place that has been allocated by this Council. Information on how to appeal will be provided with the result of the application, which you will receive from the Council. Appeals must be lodged by the dates set out in the coordinated and in-year admissions scheme for the normal admissions round or within 21 days from the date of the offer or refusal letter. You're allowed a minimum of 20 school days to submit an appeal - the notification of the decision you receive will tell you what the deadline for appeal will be.  For more information contact


Admissions Timetable

Month Activity


(Prior to your child's 5th birthday)

Open days and visits to the school will take place to which all parents of pupils due to be admitted in the following academic year are invited. If you wish to visit the school, please contact the school office and they will let you know of any upcoming Open days or arrange a convenient appointment.
October West Berkshire's application form is available on its website and information is sent to prospective parents.


Places are allocated by West Berkshire.


Parent Information Evenings are run by the school and all new parents are invited to attend. Home visits by the Foundation Lead Teacher are arranged. Children are invited to transition sessions to get to know their new school before the summer holidays.



Children begin school. The first week is often a staggered start with half days leading up to full days.

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